Sunday, July 30, 2006

A South African X-men

This Is a totally random Post

I was browsing around one of my usual comic information resources and I found a list of non American X-Men. To my pleasant surprise I found a South African X-men called Maggot! . What a Terrible Name, but still how cool is that. He has a unique power but he lacks the power of a true South African hero Nelson Mandela, the power of Madiba Magic! Proudly South African.

For Interest sake check out the other non-American X-Men. Click the link and scroll down to the International Characters Section.

Kuwabara, Kuwabara
The Lone Writer


Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

an oddity indeed. said...

i have linked your blog to can link mines to yours if you wish . . .

fida. . .

Mohamed Karolia said...

Ofcourse i shall do it at once

rah* said...

now that's interesting...