Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hell !

Anyone expecting a literary masterpiece about the eternal DAMNATION that awaits some of us in the life after death will be disappointed. This is just an Arb post and a little weird.

The sight of HELL (or for that matter HEAVEN) would be uncomprehendible for the human mind to process. However everyone has at some stage in their life imagined or have been told what HELL may look like and we have built up our own personal representations of it. Every faith on Earth has some version of Hell were the souls of the evil are damned to an eternity of suffering until they have paid for their sins and are forgiven by God. To the majority of the worlds population HELL is a very real concept where they live daily in situations that for the lack of a better description is HELL ON EARTH. God Bring peace and relief to these people.

Fire and Brimstone contantly raining down, burning wind swepped plains, the sky ablazed, rivers of boiling blood, demons, endless torture and the screams of the damned are what come to mind when we think of hell and its a scary thought. Hell has been portrayed in movies numerous times but for the most part they have been way off the mark. I think the version of Hell in the movie Constantine, was the best ive ever seen so far. Now the movie wasnt great but its portrayal of hell was the closest in my opinion to what Hell may look like.

The suffering of the Damned:

I know that this representation is a far cry from the truth which is probably a milion times worse but for me this may be as close as it gets. The human mind is feeble and we do things without thinking that there may be consequences. We try and do things in secret away from prying eyes so that we dont get caught but we can never escape the vision of God, you cant escape the Omnipresent so we will pay for our sins. However I pray for all that we never find out what it actually looks like in this world and the Hereafter.

John Constantine: Officially, I was dead for two minutes... but believe me, two minutes in hell is a lifetime.

Kuwabara, Kuwabara
The Lone Writer


rah* said...

Nice post....Jeez, talk about existential crisis, but anyway like you said every faith has an interpretation of hell. The eskimo/innuit version of the bible(by missionaries for preaching and converting) portrays hell as being an icy, bleak place. The reason...somewhere warm might seem heavenly :) said...

well well......hell....

looks a bit bright in there......

now show us "heaven".....

theres always a brighter side to things . . .

fida . . .

Mohamed Karolia said...

There is always a brighter side to life, but we must be aware of what lurks in the shadows so that we dont become naive.

Muhammad said...

Heaven and Hell are right in front of you as you walk in the present. Never forget that. With every decision you make ,your next step will lead you to either one, so choose carefully.

I do belive that we're too focused on what Heaven and Hell would look like , yet they are uncomprehendible. Sooooo, Ithink we should just focus on RIGHT NOW, and see what we can do to get it. One thing's for sure, It'll the have one critical component to eternal Happiness... Contentment :)


Bilal said...

I'm all for RIGHT NOW!

Remember trying to imagine the horrors of Hell when I was younger:
I somehow always came to the conclusion that a person would reach a stage when they get 'used to' the conditions there-

and then I thought that the same would happen in Heaven and then: boredom!

Now, I'm not so sure how I feel- really prefer the RIGHT NOW focus!

Nice Post- Tanx Dude*