Saturday, October 14, 2006

When I Grow up.....

"When I grow up I wanna be....." Now im sure you all remember saying this in various stages of your youth, im sure even today you still hear smaller siblings, young cousins, nephews/nieces and the opposite neighbours annoying kids (who you just want to throttle) say this with a twinkle in the eye looking forward to the day when their "dream" becomes a "reality".

This epiphany that kids have is synonymous with growing up as obvious as that may sound and in my opinion very important in their development into adults. Now if you as a kid never thought about what you wanted to be when you grew up and you find yourself living under bridge with bob the resident alcoholic (who smells 40years past his sell by date), a dog named trevor and no goal in life you can stop reading this and go find a job because I PITY THE FOOL!

Kids go through a myriad of possible things they want to be when they grow up. these choices either amaze. surprise or completely shock their parents. Possible grown up jobs include being a Firefighter, astronaut, doctor, Air hostess, archeologist (a.k.a arkiologogist), rap star, mermaid and MR T! (I PITY THE FOOL) ,you get the picture. I mean a certain kid (I know) at a very young age after watching a Guns & Roses's video wanted to grow up and become a regular Rock Star knocking on heavens door until his dream was shot down in a blaze of glory. I mean this kid use to do the whole air guitar jumping on couches thingy whilst mouthing the words to songs.

Now most of these ideas are just passing phases and fads depending on the latest in thing. Parents should be well aware of this however if your child wants to grow up to be a guest on the jerry springer show than you should worry because your daughter or son coming home with a transvestite midget is going to be the least of your worries. JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
Ok back to the point which is that we have all experienced this phenomena if you can call it that, but how many of us have actually grown up to become what we as kids intended to become. I know I certainly havent, have any of you?

I can say with some degree of certainty that most if not all of you have not fulfilled your childhood wishes. Which kid in there right mind wants to be a lawyer, an accountant or work for SARS (if your kid wants to work for SARS please check for any signs or marks of the beast, their head revolving is a dead give away). Have we somehow abandoned our youthful dreams at a time when we didnt want to grow up to make money or to get ahead at the expense of others but to enjoy life and to help people. Now what does a child of 4 or 5 years know about life, it is harsh and being carefree doesnt help but still are we really happy with what we have become. Would your 4year old self if we could somehow could meet them today smack us and say "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BECOME!"

"When I grow up...." is a profound statement for a child so be sure not to dash there dreams because you have not fulfilled yours. For those of you who have made your childhood dream a reality I applaude you and I envy you because for me being a Rock Star would sure beat being a lawyer. *AIR GUITAR*

Kuwabara, Kuwabara
The Lone Writer


cellardoor said...

cute post..
y'day my 8 (going on 38) year old cuz who has wisdom beyond her years, was reading peter pan or neverland ... can't remember which... and revealed that "... children don't grow up, until some grown up tricks them,by asking them what they want 2 be when they grow up. if the kid answers, then they will start growing up - and peter pan banishes them from neverland...'

... oh 2 be a kid 4eva...

rah* said...

Air guitar rocks. I am what I dreamed I'd be (kinda:)). lol OMW Trevor made an appearance, this post is classic.

I agree though, we lose our ideals and dreams in the process of trying to be in with society. LOL @ accountants and working for SARS.

In the spirit of all things rocking...
*joins you in the air guitaring*

PS my word verification thing is etvuw (etv u watch?)ironic innit? :P

Ruby :) said...

Its funny, but my collegues and I in our lab, were chatting last week about what we wanted to become, and out of the 8 of us , six wanted to become medical doctors, but we are instead, pursueing careers as 'biochemists"! Its still in the medical field (kind of) and most of us should hopefully have a DR. in frony of our names eventually, so, i think its just a slight detour from the original dream.. and instead of telling patients about cancer/HIV, we tell the doctors about the diseases!!!

Muhammad said...

I might get a bit philosphical here, but I belive that the ultimate goal in our lives shouldn't really be something revolving around our ultimate careers... I mean.. if you achive it.. what then? What's next?

What we become in our lives is more a means rather than an end.

So... We should be asking ourselves the question all through our lives.. even right now ,while we're lawyers/marketers/Accountants...

What do we Ultimately want to achieve? and will this job of ours get us there?

Heaven's entrance exam is your life bru, it doesn't matter what your profession was.


M. :)

cellardoor said...

@muhammed - i so agree with what ur saying. when ur young u always say ' oh - i'l be such and such when i grow up, n earn loads of money ...'
but then when ur a bit older - u do start 2 think beyond that, as in what else do u want from life- a family, kids etc etc.

Mohamed Karolia said...

@celladoor: Thanks im glad you thought it was cute. I think thats peter pan and to be a kid forever, innocent and full of joy what a life that would be.And i agree money is nothing without belonging to something greater than yourself a.k.a family, kids etc etc :)

@Queen_Lestat: AIR GUITAR RULES!!!!!! and TREVOR Rocks

@Muhammad: I dont mind the philosphy I quite enjoy it and i completely agree wityh you it not what you are but who you are that sums up your life.

Mohamed Karolia said...

oh and sorry forget Ruby:)

Biochemists rule! and you will have the DR infront of your name :) I also wanted to have a DR infront of my name when I started varisty but alas it wasnt meant to be :( I would have loved to go into biochemistry but my b.s.c degree took me towards anatomy, physiology and psychology and an honours in anatomy just didnt appeal to me. cest le vie

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

hmmmm... let see now...growing up i wanted to be:

scientist, explorer, writer, psychiatrist, advertising copywriter, computer geek, executive at a multinational corporation (i was a right little capitalist at the age of 11), journalist, and a flower arranger (i was five at the time).

I'm exactly where i want to be:) well almost.

zee said...

here's a little secret....i still say that :)


Mohamed Karolia said...

@saaleha:Glad you almost eaxctly where you want to be. But why on earth would wou want to be a psychiatrist at such a young age? (even though psychology is throughly fascinating)

@zee lol its cool though nothing wrong in stil saying it. as cellardoor said "... oh 2 be a kid 4eva..." :) oh how cool that would be

Anonymous said...

i wanted to be own the whole chain of CNA (so i could get my hands on books and exciting stationery...shush..don't laugh, i was 6 at the time), become a teacher, become an aapa (yes pursue islamic studies!), optometrist, computer programmer, journalist, psychologist, herbalist, dietician, tv presenter (i don't know how come) and then i just eventually decided to study law.
wasn't very interesting...except for the "i want to own CNA!" bit...

Z said...

fab post!

so much pressure so early in life...*sigh*

rah* said...

At one stage (before jurassic park btw) i wanted to be a paleontologist ummm only I couldn't remember the name all the time, so I used to say I wanted to be a dinosaur vet...

I think I've always had a knack of being a slight bit behind with the times :)

Mohamed Karolia said...

@fatima: lol@owning CNA!! That would so rock. you would have a non stop supply of cool books and stationery. How cute. Dont be despondent about the law thing I feel your blehness.

@z: Thanks man glad you liked it. THE PRESSURE MAN !!

@Brotherhood: Those were the good old days

Bilal said...

I still change my mind often- maybe its not what you want to be, but rather- WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AND ACCOMPLISH!
Could be the same or could be very different- I hope to do what I always hoped to, wherever I find myself...
Right now, as an accountant, I can still hope to change the world and make it a better place:)

Great post!

Mohamed Karolia said...

@lestat: I think most kids wanted to be a "dinosaur vet" well atleast i also wanted to be one. :)

@Bilal: Thanks im glad you liked the post. I agree with you and im sure you and all of us are going to change the world in some way or the other

Anonymous said...

You write very good post. I agree that most of us will maybe never feel are childhood dreams, isn't that the oddity in life?

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was suppose to be fulfill.

Mohamed Karolia said...

@almira: Thanks im glad you liked it. It is an oddity but that is life, its just odd

rah* said...

when I grow up I wanna be google, if that doesn't work, I'll settle for wiki :D