Thursday, January 18, 2007

Something for the Guys.....

This may definately offend some females and that is not my intention and by no way do I think females are toys to be used and manipulated like a game. I hope An angry mob of feminists, Pitch forks and torches in hand pumped up high on estrogen dont form an angry man hate group and come to get me. I just think this was funny and who can stop anyone of dreaming of a better world. I think the picture says it all....

Kuwabara, Kuwabara (I may actually need the protection from evil this time)
The Lone Writer


rah* said...

LOL...that is brilliant. A better world hmmm...I could think of a few things to change lol. Nice one :p

safiyyamk said...

lol wouldnt just love that for valentines day..

Anonymous said...

ah well.........before any female spits on you** at least its plugged into her belly button and not her _ _ _ _ ****!@#$%^&*



bb_aisha said...

Dnt things normally end with a disclaimer,not begin with one:-p feminists shudnt fight the men,they shud fight the women who perpetuate bein pawns in a mans world,altho thinkin they r empowered. It is a cool pic tho, but i tink most girls can play a guy far better than a guy knos how to play a girl. (play not meant in the usual sense of the word)

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

har har:)

M Junaid said...

where do i insert my coin?
sign me up

Anonymous said...

lol, hahaha...the ole pics are making there rounds i see... one of the funniest pics i received to date... so anyone know where i can pick up that version of PS, ithink it might just outsell the PS3!!!! lmao... bwahahaha...

On a more serious note though... K-Man how could you blog about something like that (*On the verge of ROFLOL, cant keep this up nemore*) ... lol... Bwahahaha... hahahaha PSYHCED!!!!!!!!!!! BRILLIANT POST MAN...

Mohamed Karolia said...

Queen: Thanks and We should have a discussion on what we would change maybe a blog post.

Safi: That would be lovely for valentines lol

Fida: HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well if it was plugged into what i think you are refering to i wouldnt post it. Thanks for visiting

Bibi: Lol I agree with you on both counts. So feminists stay back

Saal: Hehe:)

MjUnaid: No its a once off payment no insertion required. Hmmm now thats ambiguous.....

Infi: You just crazy

Anonymous said...

Y thank you my good man, and i half thought you might have

P.S. mate my Birthday is a year away, so hint, hint, nudge, nudge...get me one of those... hahahaha

mazozo said...

Nice i like the pic have received it before though

First words thru my mind:Where do i get one of those....

cellardoor said...

lol - u shouldn't be sorry - women r just as bad as men when it comes 2 oggling the oppsite sex - we just don't tell u men - that way we can make u feel guilty 4 it....