Monday, February 19, 2007

Mr Bones...

Now I know that many people study multiple degrees at varsities all over the world. I myself am studying a second degree so I know its a long road. Ive spend 6 years on campus and I know some that have spend up to 11 years on campus (well some finished one degree in the 11years but im not judging at this moment) Most of these multiple degree studetns end up lecturing and remaining with the institute for a long time. However just last week I met "Mr Bones" (his real name cannot be mentioned because i dont want any legal ramifications such as a defamatory actions or what not). Now im not judgmental but Mr Bones has I think over done the multiple degrees and has more than over stayed his welcome as a student at varsity. Well you decide... I present MR BONES!

Guys these are actual pictures no photoshop. Lets have a moment silence for wits's longest and most loyal student MR JEAN BAPTISTE BONES!

Kuwabara, Kuwabara
The Lone Writer


rah* said...

that could be me :/
I kid you not...

Prixie said...

thats when you know you have over stayed your welcome.

safiyyamk said...

is Mr Bones in your car front seat????

Oh btw, i have one just like that at home... I call him George!

Bilal said...

dude, i know guys that have been on campus longer than him!

Fatima said...

Van Wilder of the future

h said...

lol thts funny

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

Atkins did him in.


Salma said...

LOL, Cool n funny pics my south african friend K-man :)
Please send my salaams(greetings) to Mr.Bones..Don't forget ;)hehehe

Peace :)

M Junaid said...

what was your first degree?

qdee said... a window.let the dude breathe.

Mohamed Karolia said...

Queen: No you wont be like that lol. Hehe. Relax you cool.

Priya: more than over stayed his welcome he missed his funeral. :)

Saf: Lol no Mr bones isnt in my front seat lol. Im not that bored. However when I did anatomy I was given a bag of bones (real bones). I kept it for our group and we called him Napolean BONE APART, yes i know corny hehe

Bilal: Dude are these guys you know vampires or imortal by any chance?

Hasina: His not van wilder he is VAN BONER!

Saaleha: It was atkins together with a staple diet of Dr phil. Enough to kill anyone.

Salma: Lol i gave him your slmz, well i tried hehe

M junaid: My first degree with a bsc (general) majored in anat, physiology and psychology :)

qdee i would if i could hehe, but i think his a goner :)

Anonymous said...

lol, i see you had to blog about it, it was really fascinating seeing that, although you gotta admit really ingenious that is... the dude/dudette who did that is freking brilliant... I take my hat off to him/her... and that rarely happens... :)

rah* said...

k-man @ bilal: vampires and immortals eh? and you said that wouldn't be me *sulks* :/

safiyyamk said...

k-man said "My first degree with a bsc (general) majored in anat, physiology and psychology :)"

hmmmmmmmm i have a new tutor for physiology... :) why u changed to law??? uve just betrayed the anatomists :) (joking)

Mohamed Karolia said...

infi: I had to, thats a one in a million picture.

Queen: Lol dont sulk i was talking about those weird vampires and immortals hehe

saffiya: I would never betray the anatomist lol. I didnt willingly change to law I was foreced to. Seems I wasnt good anough to get into medicine so yaah needed to do something concrete so chose law.

safiyyamk said...

way to go k-man!!! i like anatomy, i just sometimes hate dissection... lucky u went into law- bcomm is way too boring...

Unknown said...

lolzoidz.. Good thing he wasnt driving.. hehehe