Another sporadic post ! Months without a thought and then boom I somehow find the time to post a rambling or two. I'm sure no one really waits with baited breath for the next literary "gem" I will produce after months of hibernation but hey what the heck I'm going to post something whether it be noteworthy or not because "its my blog and ill post if I want to, post if I want to" (ala Cyndie Lauper)
So this is my 100th post ! Wow I can't believe it and I'm shocked and all the usual jazz people say at acheiving a milestone. A year or so back when my bloging was on top form 100 posts would have been a walk in a park but nowadays where life has gotten too hectic time is a rare resource. Though an addage somes to mind whenever I tell someone that I never have any time, "How can you have time if you never make any time?". This does ring true but for some of us who are mere mortals it seems an impossible task, but I am working on it.
Now that I've gotten the happy 100th celebrations out of the way with the grace and poise of "Migrane Boy" (those familiar with MTV during the 90's will be familiar with Migrane Boy) I shall move swiftly to the point of annoyance.
I think for most South Africans our experiences at stop streets or traffic robots is the same; we stop and then a beggar of varying age and disrepair appears at our window asking for something or washing our I right ? Yes I am. Now I understand that we become annoyed at the constant requests for change and help that pour our way but why throw common decency out of the window. I've noticed it a couple of times where drivers don't even make eye contact with the indigent in question and merely shift their car a bit forward or in one case actually swore at the beggar. Now I'm not saying that you should give them something all the time. All I'm saying is atleat give them the decency of looking them in the eye and then telling them "no" that's the least they deserve. I think we very easily forget that these peeople are in fact just as human as we are and that they are not sub citizens or ghouls to be shunned at. So please if you can't help atleast give them the charity of a smile. Ok so that was my point of annoyance which to me made sense but may in fact be a load of BS !
I shall return hopefully sooner rather than laters, don't hold your breath.
This was typed on my phone so I apologize for any spelling or grammar problems.
There is always shadow when there is light
The Lone Writer
Happy 100 my friend ;)
You make a very good point. I think sometimes we fall into the trap of dehumanising those with hands outstretched towards us.
"There is always shadow when there is light"
I'm stealing that.
I think blogging is like hormonal mood swings- not open to empirical explanations of "why" :)
Khadija: Thanks my friend I hope the next 100 goes abit more faster. The less fortunate amoungst us are unfortunately always dehumanised and looked down upon. We must realize that at any moment we can be reduced to the same state (and ive seen it happen unfortunately with todays economic woes)
M Junaid: Hey man I missed your greetings lol. I do hate you man how did you manage to get it for 100 you a hole ! listen get me a price for an x box, dead space, and a psp.... mail me
NooJ: Glad you liked it and you can steal it :P I wouldnt call myself hormonal under any strech of the imagination but i want to explore the whole shadow and light question soon.
Happy 100th!
I'd like to think that every person/beggar in need that approaches you, gives you the opportunity to do something good. It's Sadqa on your doorstep. I always try to give them something, even if its a 20c or an apple or whatever. And if I can't give anything, I tell them that hopefully I can next time.
Didn't the Prophet SAW say that we should never turn away those in need or those who ask? I know that they shouldn't be begging in the first place, but I'm always mindful of how I'd feel if someone didn't even bother to look at me.
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