Friday, July 14, 2006

Reality PowerSlam

Like most things these days when something is a big hit with the masses it can hardly be stopped, and reality TV was no exception, I mean there is a TV channel called Realty TV. It slithered it's way into our homes like a quirky relative that is amusing at first but after a while you just wanna stab him/her in the neck with a pencil, and hope and pray that they dont come to visit unless they have a substantialy large estate and you in line for some of the inheritance. Yes I know that sounds harsh but work with me here.

Coming back to the topic at hand which is reality TV and not ways of trying to bump off a rich relative, everyone has at some stage or the other seen a reality show, even under duress, whether it be Big Brother, Survivor or Donald Trumps Hair a.k.a The Apprentice. All our lifes have been touched by this so called "reality" (which at times seems very scripted), but Reality TV has taken it to far now with HULK HOGAN yes HULK HOGAN of WWE fame having his very own reality show called, "Hogan Knows Best".

Now could someone please tell me what the hell would be interesting about watching the daily antics of a famous wrestler, unless every five minutes Hogan rips of his t-shirt, flexes his muscles and proceeds to wack his wife, children and the postman over the head with a steel chair, now thats entertainment. The ridiculous reality reel doesnt end there, there are a string of shows which have no point, The Osbournes being a fine example where the networks only draw card is when ozzy swears just about everything on the show including a sandwich in a very inaudible british accent. There is even a reality show called "Wife Swap" where husbands swop their wives, yes they swop their wives for God sake (though looking at some of their wives I don't blame them).

Most of these shows have no entertainment value except perhaps if you want to have a good laugh at the expense of these reality showparticipants, which could just aswell be replaced by a ring tailed lemur or your garden variety fern. I wonder what the next big thing in television will be but for the moment the Reality TV wave is riding high and I for one is definately tired of this ride.
Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it. Alfred Hitchcock (1899 - 1980)
Kuwabara, Kuwabara
The Lone Writer


rah* said...

LOLOLOL @ post. see why I dont watch any? And bless Hitchcock, he proves that I dont need it :P

rah* said...

This is like eons late and I'm semi awake but I WOKE UP TO POST A COMMENT ON THIS BLOG. Yes, I am a freak.Imagine when Hulk Hogan's wife calls him. Picture this:

Hulk Hogan sitting in his lounge watching tv. Wife calls.

Hulk on the alert listens "huuuuuuuuuuuuuulk". Not sure if it is him being called, he does his wrist flapping motion from the ears out. You know that thing that looks like a one armed mexican wave? Summing like >====<~~~~~~< (where > = ear and ====< =arm and ~~~~~= motion) "huuuuuuuullk could you take out the trash"(based on my vast knowledge on cheap SABC1 sitcoms that seems to be the only chore Americans ever do). teh_Hulk "grrrrr" flings off feather boa and rips off shirt.

Mohamed Karolia said...

Hahahaha, Yaah and when he approaches the trash can or his wife for that matter, he wil point his finger and say WHACHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD OVER YOU !!! said...

your writing style - is entertaining - funny - and - addictive!

i am converted!

ps: what does K stand for?

fida . . .

rah* said...

k stands for king, klown, klever,kapable,kreative,kurrent, kondusive,konstructive, kompletely insane :P

rah* said...

i forgot kool lol

Mohamed Karolia said...

Now you being too kind, and you know flattery will get you nowhere ;)

rah* said...

...but it might get me a discount on legal fees :P

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

i'm still fascinated by the amount of raw porcine excretary ducts and goat testicles people are willing to chew on and swallow for money.

sad reality.

Mohamed Karolia said...

I Think its desperation hey!

Bilal said...

nice blog!